Universal high-pressure gasket for a wide range of applications
Characteristics & Main Applications
Body gaskets for liquids and steams at lower pressures and temperatures and low bolt loads, e.g. transformer gaskets. Thanks to the swelling in oil and fuels, it offers an excellent conformity with the flange at low surface loads. KLINGER®SIL C-6327 is also known as C6327.
Gasket material based on SBR-bound aramide fibres and anorganic fibres.

Dimensions of the Standard Sheets
Sizes: 1000 x 1500 mm, 1500 x 2000 mm Thicknesses: 0,5 mm, 1,0 mm, 1,5 mm; other thicknesses on request. Tolerances: thickness ± 10%, length ± 50 mm, width ± 50mm
Function & Durability
The performance and service life of KLINGER gaskets depend in large measure on proper storage and fitting, factors beyond the manufacture's control. We can, however, vouch for the excellent quality of our products. With this in mind, please also observe our installation instructions.
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